Video: TikToker Trolls Would-Be Cell Phone Thieves with Taser Trap

There are fewer things more satisfying than seeing thieves/criminals/scoundrels get what’s coming to them. Take “porch pirates” for example. The low-down, no-good dirty package thieves who scope out people’s homes for deliveries to pilfer. Some folks get back at them by “glitter bombing” said package, or filling them up with fecal matter.

And then there are some folks who go through some super extreme lengths to get back at criminals, like this one YouTuber who made it his life’s mission to destroy scam call centers.

In the clip, the thieves see this and think that they’ve just happened upon an easy target, but what they don’t know is that there’s someone in the backseat with a taser, waiting to shock them for sticking their hand in the car to steal the phone.♬ original sound – inview


He was even able to hack a facility’s security camera system and put some boots on the ground in Kolkata with a wonderful payback plan of Ocean’s 11-esque proportions.
To see scammers run around as massive cockroaches scurried about their offices, and glitter/stink bombs going off everywhere, is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

This could be why so many TikTokers are absolutely loving this video that’s now trending on the account which shows how a crafty gentleman is able to get the drop on cell phone thieves in the above video.

Cell Phone Taser Thieves

The setup is a simple one: a common tactic cell phone thieves employ in the area is walking right up to cars with open windows on crowded streets. They look to see if anyone is chatting on the phone and if the hand holding their device is facing the open window, they simply reach in and grab the phone, and run back in the opposite direction.

While there were many commenters who took joy in the clip and the fact that the man with the taser was attempting to shock the would-be thieves, there were also some who thought that it was cruel, considering that some of these thieves could only be stealing out of necessity.

However, seeing as they were so quick to run up on the car to take the phone, it seems like this is a practice they’ve done many times before.

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