Oregon Safeway shooter: Who Is Ethan Blair Miller? His Manifesto planning ‘national tragedy’

The deranged mass shooter who killed two men in an Oregon supermarket appears to have written a disturbing online manifesto bragging about his plans to commit a “national tragedy” — initially planning a school slaughter “inspired” by Columbine.

Oregon Safeway shooter: Who Is Ethan Blair Miller?

Ethan Blair Miller, 20, was named by police Monday as the gunman.

The suspect shot and killed a customer as they entered the store, and then he shot and killed a store employee who police say made a valiant effort to disarm the shooter and may have prevented further deaths

Miller — who was carrying an AR-15 and a shotgun and had weapons and bombs in his car — shot himself dead before he could be arrested, police said. He previously worked at the store, but had no known criminal record and police said they had no evidence of prior contact with him.

Ethan Blair Miller
Ethan Blair Miller, 20, was named by police Monday as the gunman.

After receiving the original call, officers arrived at the site between two and three minutes later. Miller stated that the first two police to arrive “entered the store to face the gunman”; one did so through the front entrance, while the other did so from the back entrance. She stated that four minutes passed between the initial call to 911 and the report of the “suspect being down.”

Ethan Blair Miller Manifesto planning ‘national tragedy’ Explained

Ethan Blair Miller, whose recent violent and threatening online posts were widely circulated on social media shortly after the shooting, resided close at the Fox Hollow Apartments, according to Miller. (In a Saturday post, he apparently said that he was “done waiting” and that Sunday would be “doomsday…. I cannot endure more than one more day of utter pain.”)

However, officials confirmed they were examining disturbing information “posted on social media or other outlets” ahead of the shooting.

It later emerged that the gunman had for two months written a since-deleted online manifesto called “The Downward Spiral Of ‘Ethan Miller.’”

“If you’re reading this then I’m definitely DEAD and have just committed a ‘NATIONAL TRAGEDY,’” he opened the online rantings on June 29.

Ethan Miller
Miller kept a two-month long countdown chronicling the decline of his mental health.

“I’m gonna lay it all out for you all so that by the end of all of this you will all understand why I did what I did.”

In his rantings, he blamed the isolation of COVID-19 lockdowns as well as feuds with his family and frustrations at being able to find a girlfriend.

“I am responsible for this but I was turned into a monster,” he wrote in his opening missive. “I created this Tragedy. But Society created Me.”

A day later, the one-time martial artist said he had “finally settled on a date for my last day of this hell on earth.”

“The 8th of September. A Thursday. The First Day of School for all Students at Mountain View High School. … GOD I Can’t WAIT,” he wrote of his alma mater.

“I was ‘The Quiet Kid with Anger Issues’ all throughout school so maybe it’s not as much of a surprise to some of you,” he said of the planned school shooting.

“I’ve always been dangerous though. Like a Ticking F—ING Time Bomb. Ready To Blow!” he wrote.

As he detailed his gun-buying and bomb-making preparations, Miller also ripped mass shooters who allow themselves to get arrested.

“I WANT TO DIE. … See [Eric] Harris & [Dylan] Klebold had the right idea,” he said of the cowards who slaughtered 12 children and a teacher in the 1999 Colorado school shooting.

“Yes Columbine partially inspired this. I’ve been interested in the case for a long time and it has provided the Blueprint and Part of the Inspiration for Doomsday.

“I relate to Eric and Dylan on some level as well. they were the same as me. Good young men F—ED by SOCIETY,” he wrote.

Still, in a later posting he claimed, “I’m not like the typical Mass Shooter I’m different I’m not doing this for ‘Fame’ or to ‘Get Revenge.’ I simply just want to DIE and leave a Lasting Impression and VIOLENT Mark on this World on my way out,” he wrote.

“Thankfully I won’t be here to have to deal with it.”

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