Was Kevin Cooper Found Innocent After DNA Results?

Kevin Cooper’s conviction and death sentence has become one hot topic on the web. However, the DNA test did not prove him innocent, as the investigating team found his DNA at the crime scene and the stolen station wagon.


There have been multiple controversial statements from the public space regarding Kevin death sentence
There have been multiple controversial statements from the public space regarding Kevin death sentence ( Source : Twitter )


On the other hand, many claimed that the police department planted his DNA at the crime scene. However, there are no authentic sources to verify the claim. Further, the investigating team never found DNA belonging to other assailants.

Kevin Cooper Murder Case Update 2022

Kevin Cooper is on death row at San Quentin Prison. In particular, the supreme court of California agreed to Cooper’s conviction in May 1991. Further, the court executed him on February 10, 2004, but it got postponed.


Kevin Cooper is in death row after being convicted of four murders in 1983
Kevin Cooper is in death row after being convicted of four murders in 1983 ( Source : Latimes )


In addition, A three panel of judges, including Pamela Rymer, Ronald Gould, and James Browning, heard Cooper’s petition, and they rejected it by a vote of 2-1.

On the other hand, Judge Browning got enough judges to get an en banc ruling blocking the execution to allow further DNA Tests. Moreover, The United States Court unanimously upheld the stay and stopped the death warrant.

Is Kevin Cooper Still On Death Row?

Kevin Cooper is still on death row as he has been unable to prove himself innocent in court at the current date. In particular, Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order on May 28, 2021, to appoint the law firm Morrison & Foerster to lunch the independent investigation of Kevin’s death row.

Further, the investigation has been reviewing trial and appellate records in the case at the current date. In addition, the investigating team has been looking at all available evidence, DNA reports, and forensic test reports.

Where is Kevin Cooper now?

As at the time of writing, Kevin Cooper is still in prison and on death row at San Quentin Prison.

However, in May 2021, California Governor, Gavin Newsom, issued an executive order to launch an independent investigation of Kevin Cooper’s case to verify his claims of innocence.

Governor Newsom’s order gave law firm Morrison & Foerster the authority to analyze the three-decade case file.

Kevin Cooper claimed he was falsely accused of the murders in 1983

Kevin Cooper claimed he was falsely accused of the murders in 1983Credit: AP:Associated Press

Why did Kim Kardashian defend Kevin Cooper?

Back in June 2018, Kim Kardashian campaigned for the DNA evidence used in Cooper’s conviction to be re-tested.

The reality TV superstar joined advocates who argued that the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department tampered with DNA evidence to frame Cooper.

Kim Kardashian cited a New York Times article claiming that the sole survivor of the slaying, eight-year-old Joshua Ryen, told investigators the killers had been three or four white men.

The T-shirt found with Cooper’s blood on it also contained a test tube preservative, suggesting it could have been framed by police.

Her intervention came just weeks after her campaign led to then-President Donald Trump liberating Alice Marie Johnson from a lifetime behind bars.

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