Why Did Jordan Baker Commit Suicide? Lawsuit Against Mayo Clinic Explained

Jordan Baker was a former radiology technician from Mayo Clinic who was accused of sexually assaulting two incapacitated patients. Find more about the abuse case.

Jordan Baker was a lab technician at the Mayo Clinic, the nation’s most robust and recognized medical institute.

Jordan was reported of wrongdoing by two women in two separate cases.

They claimed that Baker, who was the radiology technician at the Clinic during that time, abused them while they were incapacitated.

Baker was investigated and interrogated by the police authorities for his involvement in both the assault cases.

Baker committed suicide in January 2022 a few days after he was interrogated by the police.

The Mayo Clinic board has released an official statement regarding the two cases stating that they were unaware of the abuse case and had no intentional involvement in trying to subdue the reports put on by the victims.


Jordan Baker’s Suicide & Obituary Explored

Baker a Mayo Clinic Lab Technician Committed Suicide. Jordan Baker was a former staff at Mayo Clinic who was accused of sexual assault by two patients

Baker committed suicide after he was investigated by the police back in January of 2022.

In December 2021, patient Mary Roe reported that she was sexually assaulted while incapacitated by the same radiology technician. The radiology technician has been identified as Jordan Baker.

On Jan. 12 of this year, Phoenix Police detained Baker and brought him to the Mountain View precinct for questioning and a DNA sample. Police say he denied touching Mary.

Detectives had a court order ready to obtain Baker’s DNA, and they did. Then, he was told a lie detector test would be scheduled.

The next day, the investigation changed completely.

Mesa Police found Baker dead at his home with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Authorities say Baker had texted a family member, making suicidal statements, and sent them money for funeral arrangements.


She reported the incident to the working nurse but the report was not looked into properly and police were not involved or even called.

Jordan was allowed to resume his work at the lab, just three days later.

Mayo Clinic Lab Technician Jordan Baker Accused Of Assault

Jordan Baker was accused of two sexual assaults or misconduct by two patients of Mayo Clinic.

In June 2021 Jordan assaulted a neurological patient and in December of the same year, he assaulted the second patient at his lab, while both of his victims were heavily incapacitated.

A civil lawsuit has been filed against the Mayo Clinic in Maricopa County Superior Court. The lawsuit alleges that Mayo didn’t do enough to prevent one of its healthcare providers from sexually assaulting two patients while the patients were unable to move or speak.

Attorney Alicia Funkhouser represents the two women, called Jane Doe and Mary Roe, to protect their identities. “Both patients were in an incredibly vulnerable state,” said Funkhouser. “They were both incapacitated when they were taken advantage of.”

The lawsuit states that in June 2021, a woman with a neurological disorder went to Mayo’s Phoenix campus and was sent for an X-ray. That’s when the radiology technician reportedly sexually assaulted Jane Doe while she was incapacitated. The court paperwork states, “Although Jane Doe was unable to move or speak, she was conscious during the assault.”

“This incident has turned my life upside down,” said Jane Doe. “I have been in intensive therapy since this occurred, and living my everyday life has been extremely difficult. I want to do everything I can to make sure this never happens to another woman who is getting medical treatment.”

“All sexual assault cases are devastating to the victims,” said Funhouser. “This one is particularly egregious because with the 2nd assault especially, it was preventable.”

The lawsuit says that Jane Doe reported the incident to a nurse when she could speak again, but a supervisor wasn’t called in right away, and neither were the police. According to the lawsuit, the technician was allowed back to work three days later.

Mayo Clinic released this statement:

“Mayo Clinic is committed to providing a safe and healing environment for patients. When these incidents were reported to hospital staff, they were promptly investigated. Mayo Clinic cooperated fully with law enforcement and met all related reporting requirements in this matter. Out of respect for the privacy of all those involved, we will not comment on the recently filed legal action.”

Baker also worked at two other hospitals in the Valley, raising the possibility that additional alleged victims may come forward.

Jordan Baker committed suicide in January of 2022, a few days after he was first interrogated by the police for his involvement in the reported assaults.

The victims also claimed that the hospital should also be punished for not trying or doing anything to prevent the incidents from happening and for letting the lab technician resume his work here without any solid punishment actions.

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