Brazilian woman

Brazilian woman, 34, cuts off husband’s penis and flushes it down the toilet

Brazilian woman, aged 34, has confessed to cutting off her husband’s penis and flushing it down the toilet after discovering his affair with her 15-year-old niece. The woman took a photo of the severed penis before flushing it down the toilet. She has been charged with attempted murder. 


The 34-year-old woman told police officers in Atibaia, near Sao Paulo, in Brazil, that she acted out of revenge after finding out about her husband’s affair with her niece, who was 15 years old at the time. The woman has not been named yet, added that she had first teased her husband into getting into bed with her. But after tying his arms and legs to the bed, she pulled out a razor and hacked off his manhood, according to local media.

After taking a picture of the severed organ, she flushed it away down the lavatory, she confessed on December 22.

When she later handed herself in to police she told them she had flushed it away because she had ‘heard that it was possible to reattach it.’


The age of consent in Brazil is 14, and police are also looking at whether any relationship was consensual

Earlier she had walked into her local police station with her brother and told them: ‘Good evening, officer, I came to introduce myself, because I just cut off my husband’s penis.’


Her 39-year-old husband, also unnamed, was found alive and rushed to hospital but his current health condition is unclear.

His wife is in custody and charged with attempted murder.

The investigation is ongoing and police have not commented on the woman’s claim that he had sex with her niece.

The age of consent in Brazil is 14, and police are also looking at whether any relationship was consensual.

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