Was Kaliyah Dearing Pregnant When Shot?

Kaliyah Dearing was mercilessly shot in 2017 by a stranger along with her sister Natasha Harner. There are strong rumors now that she was pregnant at that time, and the man not only killed two people but three in technicality.

When police asked why, the man said it started because of a broken windshield wiper.

Jeremiah Battle said he went over to the sisters’ rented home in the 2200 block of Logan Street on the afternoon of Nov. 9, 2017 to confront them about who was going to pay for his damaged windshield wiper.

Upon asked about this to, Dauphin County Coroner Graham Hetrick, he chose not to answer the question. When the reporter asked him if he could reveal if Kaliyah Dearing was pregnant or not, he replied that he could, but he wouldn’t, as conveniently as he could.

According to the story he told investigators. Natasha Harner was shot in the arm and head and Kaliah Dearing was shot in the head. Battle then moved their bodies, partially covered them, and picked up two shell casings from the room before fleeing, according to the transcript from his sentencing earlier this year.

As the gossips are so strong and usually these things do not flow without a certain percentage of truth element, a section of people believe that she was expecting. The cousin tried to be as calm as possible while giving the interview and made sure that nothing inappropriate would come out.

Similarly, her mother, Veronica Murray, started sobbing badly after this question. She could not take the fact that her daughters are no more alive. Natasha and Kaliyah’s death was heartbreaking for the family, their cousin revealed in one of the press meets.

“I still think something is missing,” said Veronica Murray. “He’s leaving something out. There’s something he’s not saying.”

Kaliyah Dearing And Sister Natasha Harner

Officers responded to the home after reports of someone having a heart problem, but when they arrived, they discovered that two individuals were deceased from apparent gunshot wounds.

“Initially the neighborhood was canvassed, and we tried to establish some witnesses and things like that,” said Lt. Milo Hooper of the Harrisburg Police Department. “Once we get some witnesses, the detectives will do some follow-up on that and wherever that takes you, that’s where you’ll go, wherever it leads you, that’s where you go.”

A man had broken into a Harrisburg home where three sisters were residing and fatally shot two of them in a bedroom. It took place in 2017, and it was awful.

Natasha, 24, and Kaliah, 16, were stepsisters but thought of themselves as blood sisters. Relatives claim that no one could persuade them otherwise. Kaliah and Natasha would play around and have fun all the time. The youngest sister in the family, Kaliah Dearing, always carried herself like the boss, according to family members. She had a gift for singing and desired to work in the music business.

The mother of Natasha Harner expressed how much she misses Natasha’s laugh, smile, and personality. She had bigger aspirations than her job as an assistant restaurant manager. Their father, David Harner, passed away in 2016 after a heart attack.


Where Is Kaliyah Dearing Killer Jeremiah Battle?

On the afternoon of November 9, 2017, Jeremiah Battle claims he went over to the sisters’ rented house in the 2200 block of Logan Street to question them about who was going to pay for his broken windshield wiper.

Police arrested Battle one week after the killings. At Battle’s sentencing, he had no family members present. Only a female friend, and one of her friends.

“I would like to say I’m sorry,” Battle said at his sentencing. “They were both my friends and I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”
According to the account he gave investigators, it then became worse. Kaliah Dearing, 16, was shot in the head, and Natasha Harner, 24, was wounded in the arm and head.

A judge sentenced him to two consecutive life sentences plus ten years.

Knowing that Kaliah and Harner’s families wanted more answers, District Attorney Fran Chardo said at the sentencing that Battle could write a letter to him with any information, apologies and insight and that Chardo would then deliver it to the families.

Similarly, As per the transcript from his sentencing earlier this year, Battle then relocated their bodies, partially covered them, and took two shot casings from the room before escaping.

But Kaliah’s mother believes the incident involves more than just a windshield wiper. She continues to think something is missing, and the murderer is attempting to conceal the full truth. Even a year after the death of her youngest daughter, Murray is still at the beginning of the grieving process due to the lack of answers.

In order for friends and family to remember the close-knit sisters and pay tribute to them, she is organizing an anniversary vigil for Saturday at 4 p.m. on the street where the girls were killed.