Where Is Kiersten Jeter Now? Debra Jeter Daughter Interview

Kiersten Jeter was killed by her mother, Debra Jeter, 32, who slit the throats of both of her kids in an abandoned house off of Interstate 77 in Hillsboro, Texas, on June 5, 2009. There have been warning indications for several years. Debra Jeter was accused of physically abusing her older daughter, Kiersten, in 2004, but the charges were dismissed after Debra Jeter underwent mental health therapy.


Lester Lee Jeter said in court documents that he was seeking custody “to protect the safety and well-being of the children and anyone else who has been a victim of Jeter’s family violence.” He added that he was seeking custody “to protect the safety and well-being of the children the others who has been harmed by Jeter’s domestic violence.” The day after her release, a judge removed the restraining order, allowing her unsupervised visits while a hearing was held. On that Friday, June 5, 2009, the first court-ordered visitation was scheduled.

What Happened To Kiersten Jeter?

After being released from the hospital, Debra Jeter made plans to see her two daughters.

After not seeing their mother for 15 days, 12-year-old Kelsey and 13-year-old Kiersten kelsey-jeterwere excited to see their mother with Kelsey posting on her MySpace page “I GET TO SEE MY MOM TOMMORROW!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!”. Debra Jeter told Lester Lee Jeter that she had a surprise for the girls and was taking them out.

After picking up her daughters in the afternoon, Debra drove them to an abandoned house off Interstate 77 just past highway 35 towards Milford. Debra Jeter first attacked Kiersten with a knife.

While fending off her mother, Kiersten screamed for her sister to run. This caused Debra to turn her attention from Kiersten and onto Kelsey. Kiersten was stabbed in the back while trying to protect her sister. Unfortunately, these attempts were unsuccessful, and Debra slit Kelsey’s throat and she died in the bathroom of the abandoned house. Debra returned to Kiersten and cut her from one side of the neck to the other, severing her airway and one of her main arteries.

According to reports, Jeter began by attacking Kiersten with a knife. As she battled with her mother, Kiersten yelled for her sibling to run. As a result, Debra’s attention turned away from Kiersten and Kelsey.


Debra Jeter was given a life sentence after slitting the throats of both of her daughters
Debra Jeter was given a life sentence after slitting the throats of both of her daughters


Despite her severe injuries, she remained alive and conscious, begging her mother for assistance. Debra Jeter called the police three hours after picking up her children to report the crime, stating, “I just slaughtered my children.”

Despite being a nursing student, Debra Jeter did not attend to her daughter and instead wandered about the abandoned house, pleading with the ambulance to hurry up, claiming that her daughter who survived was “begging to be saved and she couldn’t bear it.” She went on to tell the dispatcher that she didn’t have a gun and that she didn’t want the cops to shoot her.

Sadly, Kelsey, who loved books and was quiet, did not survive the attack. After being discovered in the abandoned house’s bedroom, Kiersten was airlifted for immediate emergency surgery and survived. Debra justified her horrible conduct by claiming she was “heartbroken” by her divorce and child custody struggle. “If she felt that way, then we all must feel that way,” Debra reasoned, “and she wanted to take away all of our sadness,” according to her ex-husband, Lester Lee Jeter.

Debra’s explanation for her heinous actions was that she was “heartbroken” over the separation and the child custody battle. Her ex-husband, Lester Lee Jeter stated that Debra “figured if she felt that way, then we all must feel that way and she wanted to take away all of our pain”.

After accepting a plea deal where she pleaded guilty to capital murder and attempted capital murder on May 27, 2010, Debra Jeter was sentenced to life without parole. Her surviving daughter was spared from having to testify in court due to the plea deal, which avoided the potential of a death sentence.